Monday, 21 June 2010

Oil and BP (Buck Passing)

Obama set a lot of stall by boasting how much better he would have handled the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina than George W Bush. So now that the Gulf Coast of Mexico is drowning in black stuff he realises that he might soon be drowning in the brown stuff. But who is to blame? Really?

Landlords and Self-employed: How to keep your tax down

So it looks like George Osborne will be hammering just about everyone wiht tax rises - not just the CGT (capital gains tax) payers. If you are a landlord (like me) or self-employed (like I might be), follow my guide to minimise your taxes.

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Abolish International Sport

Now that we are in the middle of the 2010 football World Cup it seems like a good time to revisit an article I wrote last year about the nonsense of having 'international' sports teams. Already we've seen evidence of politicking - Didier Drogba being allowed to play against the rules with his arm in plaster, presumably to keep fans and sponsors happy. Platini and Blatter patronising Africans with talk about 'sounds of Africa' and entire nations - even continents - pretending that these pampered pooches, cheats and cynics somehow represent them. Read on...